Education, for all levels of learners
See below for how Critical Care: The Game may help educate you, no matter where you are in your educational journey!
General Public
From teenagers to adults, if you are interested in learning about what goes on in a hospital, especially who the people are, some common diagnoses and procedures that are performed, this game may be for you! We’re excited for you to get a glimpse into our world - and it is a great gift for anyone considering a career in healthcare!
Health Professions Learners
Whether you’re getting ready for your first exposure to the ICU or trying to get the hang of all the jargon, this game can teach you common interactions between diagnoses, complications and therapies to bolster your education and confidence. Learn about how palliative care interacts with complex patients and challenging decision making!
Healthcare Professionals
You’re already comfortable with pressors and vents. While the content in this game is nothing new, you’ll appreciate the deeper thematic connections and you’ll catch the Easter eggs we’ve scattered throughout. You’ll have an amazing time using this game to share what you do with your friends and family!